Reimagine ecommerce search and discovery by leveraging the power of multimodal AI to serve uniquely personalized search and instantly relevant product recommendations to maximize conversions and revenue.

Trusted by 300+ Global Brands

Urband Outfitters
lotte Homeshopping

Unlock Limitless Search Possibilities

Enable search using natural language, keywords, images, lens, chat, and even social media posts.

Boost conversions and revenue by helping customers find the right products quickly.

Personalized Recommendations at Every Step

Surface the right products at the right time with our multiple AI recommendation engines for similar, look and styling suggestions.

Shoppers can even 'ask' for the kind of personalization they want, making shopping intuitive and engaging.

Craft Immersive Search and Discovery Experiences

Easily plug multimodal search and discovery capabilities into various shopper touchpoints.

We provide easy connectors to Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, FutureShop, and Fynd platforms, so you can quickly integrate ViSenze into your e-commerce store.

Enhance Product Findability with GenAI Tagging

Utilize GenAI to tag products at scale. Integrate with Multi-Search and Recommendations for a seamless shopping experience based on preferences and trends.

Improve product discoverability and increase conversions with intelligent tagging.

Data-driven Insights for Continuous Improvement

Make every customer activity count with smart data. Anticipate demand, identify gaps, track trends, and future-proof your business.

Leverage actionable insights to optimize your strategy and stay ahead of the competition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Multi-Search is a semantic search engine with integrated multi-modal capabilities, designed for retail. Multi-Search uses AI vector embeddings to provide shoppers with highly relevant product search results.


It can reason in real-time across different inputs – image, text, language – simultaneously for a more relevant and contextually accurate response, taking the search experience beyond what conventional commerce search engines are capable of.

Multi-Search uses our existing extensively trained AI capabilities and LLMs to transform search and recommendations. Now, search and recommendations are one integrated experience for shoppers.


With our cutting-edge recommendation engine, you’ll be up and running in no time. For your customers, it’ll be as intuitive as shopping in an offline store. Now, you can put the best products in front of customers, at every step of the buyer’s shopping journey, from browsing to check-out.

  • Site-wide semantic text search – Effortless advanced product discovery
  • Conversational shopping assistant – Guide customers in the shopping journey
  • Complex product finder – Precise, time-saving product navigation
  • Image upload search – Find visually similar products
  • Lens search – Click and purchase instantly
  • Personalized recommendations engine – Tailored product suggestions
  • Lookbook Gallery- Showcase curated collections and trending styles
  • Social Share- Easily connect social inspiration and shopping

Multi-Search differs from keyword search in several key ways:

  • Semantic understanding: captures the context of the shopper’s query and intent better by doing away with keyword matching. 
  • Visual Input: Allows users to search using images, which can capture details and nuances that are difficult to describe with words alone.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: You can combine visual and text data to refine search results, providing more precise and relevant matches quickly. For instance, you can use a descriptive term (e.g., bohemian summer style) to enhance your search.
  • User Experience: Offers a more intuitive and engaging search process, especially in fashion where visual details are crucial.

Multi-Search is available through widgets, APIs, and SDKs to integrate into any ecommerce platform. Our plug-and-play model allows you to tailor the search and recommendation experiences to be instantly up and running.

For now, Multi-Search works best for fashion, apparel, luxury, marketplaces, and home and decor. We are working on extending this to other e-commerce verticals. Stay Tuned!