The Ultimate Guide to AI-Powered Recommendations
in Ecommerce

Best Practices

About eBook

Ecommerce sales rely on your customers finding products that they want to buy. Product recommendations are, therefore, one of the best ways to ensure shoppers discover new products on your site or app every time they scroll.

As your brand starts to scale up, it can become challenging to maintain personalization and build customer relations that don’t feel transactional. This is where AI comes in. Collecting first-party data is the first step to improved recommendations, and 83% of customers are willing to share their information in exchange for a personalized online shopping experience.

Key takeaways from the eBook

AI Mechanics

The Mechanics behind AI-driven Recommendations

Success Metrics

Case Studies: Stories of Success with ViSenze

Success Stories

Case Studies: Stories of Success with ViSenze

AI Future

The Future of AI-powered Ecommerce Recommendations