• May 23 2023

Unleashing the Power of Ecommerce Personalization: Boosting Sales through Improved Product Discovery

Personalization is becoming crucial in the world of ecommerce for businesses to succeed and maintain their competitiveness. Today’s shoppers demand a tailored shopping experience that makes it simple for them to find goods that suit their requirements and interests.

In this article, we’ll examine the effectiveness of ecommerce personalization and how it can increase sales by enhancing the product discovery process.

What Is Ecommerce Personalization?

The practice of combining data and technology to create a customized purchasing experience for each unique customer is known as ecommerce personalization. This might range from customized product pages and targeted marketing messaging to personalized product suggestions.

what is ecommerce personalization

Why is Ecommerce Growth Dependent on Personalization?

Ecommerce’s expansion relies on personalization for several reasons. Primarily, it assists businesses in delivering a more immersive and pertinent shopping encounter to their customers, ultimately enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Second, because customers are more inclined to purchase products that are tailored to their needs and interests, it could lead to higher conversion rates and increased income.

Yet another benefit of personalization is that it can help businesses acquire meaningful client information that they can then utilize to improve their marketing and product development efforts.

ecommerce personalization

Strategies to Improve Product Discovery in Ecommerce

Ecommerce companies encounter a significant challenge in aiding customers to locate products that align with their interests and needs. To improve product discovery, here are some strategies that firms can implement:

1. Optimizing Product Descriptions

The process of discovering new products depends heavily on product descriptions. Companies should spend the time necessary to develop concise, thorough product descriptions. Those that provide buyers with all the details they require to make an informed purchasing decision. Details like product specifications, sizing charts, and customer feedback can serve as important information leading to a purchase decision.

2. Recommender Systems

These are a kind of artificial intelligence system that collects and uses data and algorithms to give tailored product recommendations to users. For each individual client, these systems can make product recommendations based on an analysis of their purchase history and browsing habits among other behavioral characteristics. Businesses can benefit hugely from these systems which can help in increasing revenue and enhancing consumer happiness.

ecommerce personalization

3. Visual Search Technology

Customers may simply identify products that meet their needs and interests thanks to the power of visual search technology. Instead of using text-based search, this technology enables users to look for products by uploading an image or taking a snapshot. For fashion ecommerce shops, where clients can be looking for particular styles or patterns, this might be extremely helpful.

4. Dynamic on-site Personalized Product Recommendations

Another technique to assist shoppers in finding relevant products is through personalized dynamic on-site product suggestions. These suggestions, which may be based on things like customer browsing habits, past purchases, and popular products, are shown throughout the course of the user’s browsing journey in places like the product page or the shopping cart.

Shopify research shows that 44% of customers are okay with brands using their personal information to personalize messaging and improve the customer experiences, such as product recommendations. However, over-personalization can be perceived as creepy and can impact brand reputation and sales negatively. The key is to strike a fine balance.

ecommerce personalization product recommendation

5. Social Proof

The notion of social proof means that people are more likely to believe and behave in accordance with others. Through the use of user-generated content, customer reviews, and popular products, ecommerce businesses can leverage social proof. This aids customers in product discovery and subsequently drive product sales. 

Case Study: What Can Smart Product Discovery Do for Fashion Ecommerce Businesses?

A recent report by Statista says, “In 2021, the global fashion ecommerce market was valued at nearly 700 billion U.S. dollars. It is expected to surpass that figure by the end of 2022. Moreover, in 2025, it could reach just over 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars.

This only serves to demonstrate how quickly the fashion sector is expanding. Additionally, it also shows how fashion ecommerce companies can benefit from using intelligent product discovery to boost sales and gain an advantage over the competition.

By using tools like visual search technology, individualized product recommendations, and other strategies covered above, fashion companies should frequently offer a wide variety of products in a variety of sizes, colors, and fashions. And hence, help customers find products that fit their unique body shapes and tastes.

For fashion retailers, these tried-and-true methods can help enhance their product discovery:

Make complementary product recommendations that match the customer’s preferred styles and use personalized product recommendations. Leading online retailers use personalized search and AI-powered product recommendations to enhance the product discovery process. On each product page, they also provide a “You Might Also Like” section that, depending on a user’s browsing history, suggests related products.

Utilise visual search technology to let users do product searches using photos that they’ve seen on the internet. Additionally, it allows buyers to visualize how to pair different pieces of clothing. Nordstrom does this really well with their ‘Shop the Look’ feature. This shows how to style products with other items on their website.

Give clients all the information they require to make an informed purchasing decision by writing thorough product descriptions. A good e.g. here is the website of the international fashion store Zara. It features detailed product descriptions for each item. Additionally, they offer a ‘Quick View’ option. This option enables customers to zoom in on the product without leaving the category page.

Draw attention to well-liked items, client testimonials, and user-generated material. Employ social proof. The biggest proof of your quality and customer service is evidently the opinion of customers. Every successful brand has several happy customers who serve as evangelists. And potential customers value the opinions of existing customers while making purchase decisions.

How Can AI Improve Product Discovery in Ecommerce?

By utilizing algorithms that analyze user behavior and preferences, AI can significantly enhance product discovery in ecommerce. It does so by enabling the platform to offer things that are likely to be of interest to the user.

These suggestions may be based on a variety of facts, such as past purchases, browsing patterns, search terms, and even demographic data. Additionally, by examining product photos, AI-powered visual search technology can assist customers in discovering products that match their desired qualities — such as color or style or a specific brand.

AI has the capacity to improve user experience and boost the likelihood of successful purchases by offering personalized recommendations and easy search choices, eventually helping both customers as well as ecommerce companies.

To sum up, ecommerce personalization serves as a powerful means for companies to boost sales and enhance customer satisfaction. To enable customers to easily discover products that align with their preferences and requirements, businesses can adopt various tactics. These can include soptimizing product descriptions, utilizing deep learning recommender systems, leveraging visual search technologies, as well as, implementing social proof.

If you aim to reinforce your ecommerce personalization strategy, it’s worth considering trying out ViSenze Smart Recommendations immediately. We can aid you in crafting a customized shopping experience that boosts revenue, brand image, and customer loyalty.

Take advantage of our 30-day free trial and get started today!