

ViSenze は、2024 年 5 月 31 日付けでプライバシー ポリシーを更新しました。変更は意味を明確にするものであり、お客様はこれ以上のアクションを必要としません。 弊社は、クエリ画像のデフォルトの保存期間を 1 年から 30 日に修正し、個人データの処理の法的根拠と目的、および個人データを共有する状況を明確にし、「マルチ検索」を包含するために結果的な修正を加えました

私たちのコミットメント  ViSenzeでは、サービスをご提供するビジネスのプライバシーとセキュリティを守ることに100%コミットしています。サービスをご提供させていただくときに処理する個人データのプライバシーと機密性を大切にしています。



  • 一般プライバシーポリシー: ここでは本プライバシーポリシーを表示またはリンクしている弊社ウェブサイトをご覧になった個人、及びオンラインとオフラインビジネス活動の両方で弊社と関わる個人から収集した個人データをどのように使用及び開示するかについて説明しています。
  • サービスプライバシーポリシー: このポリシーは、企業へのサービス提供、およびデモウェブサイトを通じたサービスのデモンストレーションに適用されます。














1. 難しい専門用語のご説明









  • あなたと連絡をとりあってメッセージを送れる連絡先 – 例えばお名前、勤務先、ご職業、勤務先メールアドレス、私用のメールアドレス、勤務先お電話番号、ご自宅電話番号及び携帯番号– 一般に公開なさっている連絡先、例えばLinkedinプロフィールの情報または他のビジネス関連のソーシャルメディアの書き込みを含みます。
  • 私たちのあなた及び/または貴社とのビジネス上の関係に関する情報で、あなた及び/または貴社とのビジネスに役立ち、サービスをあなた及び/または貴社のためにカスタムメードするのに役立つ情報
  • あなた及び/または貴社が私たちのサービスをご利用なさる際にカード払いをご選択なさるのであれば、カード払いの詳細を含む、お支払い情報
  • あなたが弊社とどのように相互影響なさるかという取引情報で、お問合せ、アカウント情報、あなたが弊社ウェブサイトをどのようにお使いになるかという情報及び/または貴社にお使いいただくダッシュボード及びあなた及び/または貴社が私たちのサービスをどのようにお使いになるかを含みます
  • マーケティング及びご連絡事項を電子的またはオフラインでお送りします

3. 個人データの収集方法


  • 私たちとのやりとりの際に(ご連絡先や家族関係を含みます)、及び/または弊社がご提供するサービスにご興味がおありだとご紹介されたときにお聞きし、以下の場合を含みます:
  • 弊社の者がトレードショーや他の業界イベントでお会いする、または私たちにご紹介いただく、またはあなたが公開をご選択なさったご連絡先を通じてご連絡させていただきます
  • 弊社ウェブサイトのオンラインフォーム(「無料お試しリクエスト」や「ご連絡ください」など)にお名前やご連絡先などの個人データをご記入の上ご送信いただく、またはその他弊社サービスや価格についてお問合せいただく
  • あなた及び/または貴社とビジネス関係を結ぼうとしているとき
  • あなた及び/または貴社にサービスを提供およびデモしており、弊社ダッシュボードにアクセスを与え、ネット履歴と、それによってあなた/貴社へのサービスをどう向上させるか理解するためにダッシュボードのご利用をトラッキングするとき、及び/または
  • 弊社ウェブサイトにアクセスなさるとき、お使いのコンピューターまたはその目的で弊社ウェブサイトをお使いになるその他のデバイスの情報を集めるために、クッキーや他の技術的なツールを用います。この情報はあなたのお名前とご連絡先と関連しており、あなたを識別できるため、個人データとして扱います。そうでなければ、クッキーやその他技術的なツールに提供される情報は個人データとして扱いません。クッキーや他の技術についての詳細は、 クッキーポリシーをご覧ください。

4. この情報をどのように使うのでしょうか?



·       サービスの提供、顧客サービス、アカウント/リレーションシップ管理、サポート、トレーニングなど、あなたおよび/または貴社からのサービスに関するご要望にお応えすること。

·       サービスのあなた及び/または貴社へのお届け、弊社の日常的な業務上の必要なこととお客様であるあなたおよび/または貴社との交流を管理すること





·       あなたが貴社を代表し、貴社とのビジネス関係に関連するダッシュボードへのアクセスをご提供するなど弊社と相互作用できるようにするため



ー 弊社サービスの改善、向上、改良;

ー 弊社の事業運営のための新しい方法またはプロセスの改善、強化、または開発;

ー 弊社のサービスに関連する個人の行動や嗜好を学習または理解;または

ー お客様へのサービスをマッチング、パーソナライズ、サーカスタマイズ






·       ご興味、ビジネスの性格や所在地に基づいてターゲットされたオファーを含め、マーケティングのコミュニケーションを送信するため

·       あなた及び/または貴社が一定のサービスやオファーを受ける資格があるか判断するため

·       ご興味があると思われるプロモーションやご講演にご招待するため

·       弊社についてのニュース、アナウンスメント、及びテクニカルサービス公示や製品のアップデートなどの技術的な情報など、あなた及び/または貴社のご興味があるような追加の情報を、あなた及び/または貴社にご提供するため


·       ViSenzeと戦略的なビジネスパートナーシップ、アライアンス、スポンサーシップ、及びその他のコラボレーションに加わっていただくようお話し、お招きするため

財務会計と財務報告を管理する為 財務報告に関連する義務を果たすための正当な利益
出入金の管理するため 契約の履行に必要

·       弊社の権利を保護するために個人データの処理または開示が必要な範囲で、適用法に基づく法的義務に従い、公的機関、政府当局、裁判所、または規制当局に協力する場合。



5. この情報はどのように共有されますか?



  • 製品開発、メンテナンス、及びデバグを行うため
  • カスタマーサービス、宣伝、またはお支払いサービスをご提供するため
  • ITシステムをホストするため











6. データはどこに保管されますか?








7. データはいつまで保管されますか?




  • 貴社からあなたがダッシュボードへの必要またはアクセスがなくなった(例えばあなたが転職なさった等)とお知らせを受ける
  • 貴社が弊社とのアカウントを解約なさる





8. あなたの権利




  • 処理の目的に関する情報、関連する個人データの種類、個人データが開示された、または開示される受領者または受領者のカテゴリー(特に第三国の受領者、または国際組織)、可能であれば、個人データを保持することが想像される期間、もし可能でなければその期間を判断するのに使われるカテゴリー、及び
  • あらゆる入手可能な情報で、個人データが公共に入手可能な取得先から得られたかを含み、どこから個人情報を取得したかという情報





  • 収集されたまたはその他処理された目的に関連して、個人データがもはや必要なくなった
  • 弊社の合法的な理由に基づく個人データの処理にあなたが反論され、処理にあたってそれを覆す合法的な理由がない
  • 個人データが不法に処理された、または
  • 弊社が対象となる欧州連合または加盟国の法律による義務の遵守のために個人データが削除されなければならない



  • 私たちが個人データの正確さを確認する間、個人データの正確性に反論している
  • 処理が不法であり、あなたが削除に反対し、そのかわりその利用の制限を求めている
  • 処理の目的では私たちは個人データが必要ではないが、あなたの法的申立ての成立、実行、または弁護のために必要である
  • あなたが処理に反対し、弊社の合法的な処理の理由があなたの合法的な利害を覆すものであるかどうかの確認の最中である












9. ご連絡ください

弊社へのご連絡は、67 Ayer Rajah Crescent #07-11 Singapore 139950まで書面にて、または dataprotection@visenze.com までEメールにてお願いいたします。

弊社の従業員または求職者の方は、弊社の人事部までご連絡いただくか、careers@visenze.com まで電子メールをお送りください。その際、弊社が個人データをどのように処理するかについての情報を提供させていただきます。


  • EU GDPR担当者
    • 書面:Avenue Huart Hamoir 71、1030 Brussels、Belgium
  • 英国のGDPR担当者:
    • 書面:8 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5BY, United Kingdom

10. クッキーポリシー










  • 統計: 統計ツールを使うことにより、例えばあなたがページを何度見られたか測ります。
  • コンバージョントラッキング: 対応するパートナーの広告を通じて弊社のウェブサイトにアクセスなさると、コンバージョントラッキングパートナーはあなたのコンピューターにクッキーを残します。
  • ソーシャルプラグイン: 弊社ウェブサイトのページの一部は他のプロバイダーのコンテンツとサービス(例えばフェースブック、ツイッター、リンクトイン、グーグル+)に関連し、これらもクッキーを使うことがあります。
  • リターゲット: これらのクッキーは、広告クッキーまたは第三者広告クッキー、または「ウェブビーコン」(目に見えないグラフィックで、ピクセルまたはトラッキングピクセルとも呼ばれる)、または同様の技術によってユーザープロフィールを作ります。これらは興味に基づいた広告のために使われ、ユーザーが特定の広告を見る頻度を管理します。関連するプロバイダーがツールに関連してデータの処理に責任を持つ管理者となります。ツールのプロバイダーは、上記の目的で第三者にも情報を開示するかもしれません。この意味で、関連するプロバイダーのデータ保護通知をご覧ください。


私たちは、クッキーや他のトラッキングの仕組みによりたくさんの異なる種類の情報を集めます。例えば、あなたのデバイスの種類、オペレーティングシステムの種類、ブラウザーのタイプ、ドメイン及びその他のシステム設定、言語、及びIP アドレスを集めるかもしれません。






1. 難しい専門用語のご説明







わたしたちはいろいろな情報源から、製品の画像の「参照データベース」を作り上げます – 参照データベース内の画像を「参照画像」と呼びます。









しいただく、及び/またはアノテーションまたはタギングの画像をお送りただくことができます。その場合、あなたは弊社の「内部エンドユーザー」とお呼びします – 私たちがあなたについて、またはあなたに関連して処理するかもしれない個人データについて、弊社一般プライバシーポリシーをご覧ください。


2. 参照画像データ主体者についての情報


私たちは、いろいろな情報源から製品画像の「参照データベース」を蓄積します– 参照データベースの画像は「参照画像」と呼びます。





  • 検索を行い、視覚検索結果をエンドユーザーにお返しできるよう画像をインデックス化し、デジタル情報に変換します
  • ビジネスに私たちの注釈またはタギングサービスをご利用いただくとき、及び
  • 私たちが予測モデルに参照画像を処理し、及び情報で注釈を行うとき、それぞれの場合に弊社ビジネスをお使いになるビジネスのためになくてはならない、ViSenze Service の開発、サポート、継続した向上及び最適化を行うとき

「偶然」というのは、弊社のサービスでは画像の中のアイテムに注力するからです。しかし、あなたの個人データを処理しないわけでもありません– 例えば、製品マッチングでは関連する視覚マッチをエンドユーザーにお返しできるよう、あなたのお顔が画像のどこにあり、あなたの性別を検知しなければなりません。




  • 私たちが視覚検索及び認識サービスであなたの画像を含む視覚検索の結果をお渡しするとき、及び注釈及びタギングサービスの内部エンドユーザーにこれらのサービスをビジネスにご提供するとき、外部エンドユーザー 及び内部エンドユーザー に開示されます
  • 弊社注釈サービススタッフに開示されることがありますが、厳格な機密契約をとりかわしています。




私たちが予測モデルに参照画像を処理し、弊社ビジネスをお使いになるビジネスのためになくてはならない、ViSenze Service の開発、サポート、継続した向上及び最適化を行うとき、参照画像はそのようなご利用中に識別不可能になり、いずれにせよ予測モデルの使用が終われば削除します。


弊社ViSenze Service事業をご利用なさるビジネスのために必須である開発、サポート、継続した向上、及び最適化のために、すべての参照画像はシンガポールで保管されます。

3. クエリ―画像データ主体についての情報






  • あなたがクエリ―画像データ主体であるクエリ―画像をアップロードしたエンドユーザーに求められた、アイテムへの視覚マッチを検索できるように、私たちがクエリ―画像をデジタル表現に変換するとき
  • 理想より低い結果が得られたので私たちがクエリ―画像を分析するとき
  • クエリ―画像を私たちの予測モデルで処理し、それらを情報で注釈するとき、それぞれの場合にViSenze Service をお使いになるビジネスのためになくてはならない、開発、サポート、継続した向上及び最適化を行うとき

「偶然」というのは、弊社のサービスでは画像の中のアイテムに注力するからです。しかし、あなたの個人データを処理しないわけでもありません– 例えば、製品マッチングでは関連する視覚マッチをエンドユーザーにお返しできるよう、あなたのお顔が画像のどこかにあり、あなたの性別を検知しなければなりません。








  • それによってサブセット/クエリ―画像の見本を制定し、クエリ―画像の「参照セット」として使い、検索エンジンのパフォーマンス計ることができように、及び
  • 外部エンドユーザーからのどのようなフィードバックにも対応できるように(例えばクエリ―結果が悪いなど)、元のクエリ―画像戻ってエラーのレプリカを作り、訂正業務を行い、ViSenze Service をお使いになるビジネスのためになくてはならない、開発、サポート、継続した向上及び最適化を行うとき
  • 私たちは合法的な利害の目的でそれが必要ということに基づいてこれらの目的で個人データを処理しますが、それによって個人データの保護を必要とする参照画像データ主体の利害、基本的な権利や自由を覆すものではありません。


あなたが外部エンドユーザー で欧州経済領域にお住まいなら、お送りいただいたクエリ―画像は欧州連合加盟国のデータセンターに保管されます。あなたの所在地情報は欧州経済領域ではクエリ―画像にも添付されます。そうでなければ、クエリ―画像はサービスをご提供するビジネスとの間で同意されたデータセンターに保管されます。


4. エンドユーザーについての情報






エンドユーザーは、ViSenze 「マルチ検索(Multi-Search)」のテキスト検索コンポーネントに機密情報または個人情報を入力しないでください。ViSenzeは、製品マッチングを提供するために、テキスト検索においてそのような情報を必要としません。


外部エンドユーザーとして、セルフィーの写真をクエリ―画像 としてお送りいただくことが可能です。そうなさる場合、クエリ―画像はあなたの個人データを含み、あなたは クエリ―画像データ主体 と外部エンドユーザーの両方になります。


  • IPアドレスの収集

あなたが外部エンドユーザーでクエリ―画像をアップロードするか、製品カテゴリーを検索(例えば赤いシャツまたは青いブラウスが欲しい場合)、あなたのIPアドレスを収集します– その結果、技術によりあなたのIPアドレスはクエリ―画像または製品カテゴリー検索に添付されます。

  • IPアドレスの利用

わたしたちはIPアドレスを問題解決に利用します– 視覚検索及び認識サービスで技術的な問題がある場合、それが発生している地理的所在地を切り離すことができ、そのような技術的な問題を解決する能力を高めます。

  • 外部エンドユーザーの所在地情報をいつまで保つか

外部エンドユーザーの所在地情報– つまり、あなたのIPアドレスです– は最高12カ月シンガポールに保管します。それはデバグを行い、検索結果を最適化し、視覚検索及び認識サービスを常に向上させるためです。弊社システムログには各外部エンドユーザーについて、IPアドレス、  デバイスの種類、及びブラウザー名を記録しています。システムログは最高12カ月保存しますので、エンドユーザーのIPアドレスを含むこの情報も最高12カ月保存されます。

  • 処理の法的理由


5. データはどこに保管されますか?

現在、世界中の五箇所、アイルランド、シンガポール、日本、中国、及び米国にデータセンターがあります。今後データセンターが増えるかもしれません。一般的に、欧州経済領域にお住いの外部エンドユーザー の個人データは、弊社のアイルランドのサーバーに保管しますが、本プライバシーポリシーに記載されているように、一部の個人データはシンガポールに保管されます。その他、個人データは外部エンドユーザーにサービスをご提供するビジネスが希望するサーバーに保管されます。

6. あなたのデータをどうやって保護しますか?




7. あなたの権利


あなたが参照画像データ本体クエリ―画像データ本体または 外部エンドユーザー参照画像及びクエリ―画像、またはViSenze「マルチ検索(Multi-Search)」のためのテキスト検索入力それぞれで個人データを処理する目的ではあなたを識別する必要がありません(そしてそれを行いません)。従って、弊社はGDPRによって、あなたを識別するために追加の個人情報をあなたが下記に記載したデータ主体の権利を実行するのを可能にするだけのために、追加の個人情報を維持、取得、または処理するよう義務付けられてはいません。




  • 処理の目的に関する情報、関連する個人データのカテゴリー、個人データが開示された、または開示される受領者または受領者のカテゴリー(特に第三カ国または国際組織の場合)、可能な場合は個人データの保管が予定される期間、または可能でなければ、その期間を判断するのに用いた基準、及び
  • 一般に入手可能な情報源であるかどうかを含め、個人データを収集した情報源に関する入手可能な情報






  • 個人データが収集された、または処理された目的に関連して個人データがもはや必要でなくなった
  • 弊社の利害に反対し、個人データを処理する充分な合法的な理由がない、ということで反対する
  • 個人データが不法に所有された
  • 私たちが対象となっている欧州または加盟国の法律を遵守して個人データが削除されなければならない



  • 個人データの正確さを確認する間、個人データの正確さに反対している
  • 処理が不法であるが個人データの削除には反対していて、かわりに使用の制限を求めている
  • 処理のために個人データはもはや必要でないが、あなたが法的申立てを成立させる、執行する、または弁護するために必要
  • 弊社の合法的な処理の理由があなたの合法的な利害を上回るかどうか確認される間、処理に反対している
  • あなたの同意なく個人情報が弊社に提供された児童の親または保護者である場合。





8. 子供たち



9. ご連絡ください

弊社へのご連絡は、67 Ayer Rajah Crescent #07-05/09 宛てに書面をお送りいただくか、dataprotection@visenze.com 宛てに電子メールをお送りください。


10. ご利用条件

このプライバシーポリシーでご説明されているように、あなたが「エンドユーザー」なら、これらのご利用条件はあなたとVisenze Pte Ltd (「Visenze」、「弊社」、「私たち」、「私たちの」等)、との契約を形成し、あなたが弊社の視覚検索及び認識サービスをご利用になるとき、この契約を受け入れたことになります。これらのご利用条件にご同意なさらないときは、サービスをご利用なさらないでください。

  1. あなたが弊社視覚検索及び認識サービスをお使いになる選択をなさるとき、弊社にご送信いただくすべての画像について、あなたのみに責任があります。
  2. 当該画像の合法性、正確性、完全性、または品質について、私たちには責任がありません。いかなる状況であっても、あなたが弊社へお送りなさった画像の受領、保管、または処理、または利用の結果による、不快、不適当、または不愉快な画像への露出、画像におけるいかなる誤りまたは省略、またはあなたが被るいかなる種類の損失や損害を含め、それに限らず、いかなる画像についても、弊社または弊社役員、代理人、従業員、実施許諾者、利用者、サプライヤー、関連会社、または関係のある会社はいかなる責任も持ちません。
  3. あなたが弊社視覚検索または認識サービスのご利用を選択なさり、画像を弊社へ送信なさったことに起因し、またはそれに関連して、弊社がいかなる損失、出費、または経費でも被った、またそれらが発生した場合、あなたは当該損失、出費、または費用について弊社を免責します。
  4. あなたは弊社の視覚検索及び認識サービスを以下には利用しないと同意します:
    • 弊社視覚検索及び認識サービスに適用される法律により不法、有害、脅威的、乱用、嫌がらせとなる、不法行為の、中傷的な、俗悪な、卑猥な、性的な、名誉棄損の、他者のプライバシーを侵害する、破壊的な、憎むべき、またはすべての関連する管轄区において人種的、民族的、またはその他不愉快または公共の利害、公共の秩序、または国家の調和に反するような画像をアップロードする;
    • いかなる方法であっても未成年者を傷つける;
    • あなたがいかなる準拠法または契約または信用関係においても入手可能にする権利を持たない画像をアップロードする;
    • いかなる当事者の特許、商標、企業秘密、著作権、または他の独占権をも侵害するような画像をアップロードする;
    • ソフトウェアウィルスまたはコンピューターソフトウェアまたはハードウェアまたは通信機器の機能を中断、破壊、または制限するように設計された、いかなる他のコンピューターコード、ファイル、またはプログラムを含む画像をアップロードする;
    • 不法な活動、またはいかなる管轄区の規制機関または当局、政府機関、または国立またはその他証券取引所を含め、それに限らず、いかなる適用される法律、法規、法令、規制、規則、または法典をも意図的または非意図的に違反すること;及び
    • 不法または非倫理的または悪質なコンテンツを貢献する、または弊社視覚検索及び認識サービスを悪質または不法な活動のために使う。私たちはすべての画像をレビューし、上記の禁止条件の一つまたは複数を遵守していないと思われる場合は削除またはそれらへのアクセスをブロックすることがありますが、その義務は全くありません。
  5. 弊社は以下について全く責任をもちません:
    • あなたにお送りする検索結果の見地で、正確さ、商品の説明及びそのような説明への適合性、製品責任、商品の品質、知的財産権、安全性、支援、サービス、コンテンツ及び料金を含みますがそれに限りません;
    • 私たちが保証しない検索結果の正確さ及び完全性、及び/または
    • 検索結果に基づいて購入へ進もうか否か、というあなたのご判断を含め、そのご判断はあなたのみによる単独のご判断で、弊社の視覚検索及び認識サービスのご利用によるいかなる結果


Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated on 20 May 2024

ViSenze has updated its Privacy Policy as of 20 May 2024. The changes are clarificatory and no further action is required from our customers. We have revised the default retention period for query images from 1 year to 30 days, clarified the legal bases and purposes of processing personal data, the circumstances where we may share your personal data and made consequential amendments to cover Multi-Search.

Our Commitment to You At ViSenze, we are 100% committed to protecting the privacy and security of the businesses we work with to provide our services to. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of any personal data that we process when we provide our services.

Purpose of this Privacy Policy

We have two types of Privacy Policies:

  • GENERAL Privacy Policy: This explains how we use and disclose personal data that we collect from individuals who visit any of our websites that display or link to this Privacy Policy and from individuals who engage with us in both online and offline business activities.
  • SERVICES Privacy Policy: This policy applies to the provision of services to businesses and demonstrations of those services via our demo websites.

We provide services to other businesses that enables them in turn to provide services to their individual customers. We provide visual search and recognition services, annotation services, tagging services and other services that enable an individual to find items that they may want to purchase.  Our visual search service works with images either in photos or videos and with Multi-Search, can be combined with textual input to further enhance the product search and discovery experience.

We respect the privacy and confidentiality of any personal data that we process when we provide our services.

Personal Data Compliance

Our home is Singapore and we have implemented policies and practices about the way we process personal data in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of Singapore. Being a global business, we have also implemented policies and practices required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Compliance contact information

For data protection issues, you can contact the Data Protection Officer by email at dataprotection@visenze.com.

We have appointed the European Data Protection Office (EDPO) as our GDPR representative in the EU and the UK. You may contact the EDPO by the following channels:

Updates to this Privacy Policy

As there may be changes to privacy laws and regulations, we reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time.  

Past Policy Updates

We are transparent about the changes we make to our Privacy Policy.  For past Privacy Policy updates:

GENERAL Privacy Policy


What is ‘Personal Data’?

‘Personal Data’ means any data (in Singapore, whether true or not), about or relating to an individual who can be identified from that data (including when it is put together with other information to which we have or are likely to have access) or is otherwise an identified or identifiable individual.

Examples of Personal Data

Your name, plus information such as your phone number, physical or email address, your employer’s name and your job title, is personal data. Your image in a photo or video may be personal data. Your IP address may also be personal data.

Who or what is a ‘data subject’?

An individual who can be identified from personal data is called a ‘data subject’.


We may collect the following types of personal data about or relating to you:

  • contact information that enables us to communicate with you and send messages to you – such as your name, company name, job title, work email address, personal email address, work phone number, home phone number and mobile phone number – including contact information that you choose to make available publicly, such as information in your LinkedIn profile or in other business-related social media posts
  • information about our business relationship with you and/or your company and that helps us to do business with you and/or with your company and information that helps us tailor our services for you and/or your company
  • payment information, including payment card details if you choose to use a payment card to pay for the services you and/or your company acquire from us
  • transaction information about how you interact with us, including enquiries, account information and information about how you use our website and/or any dashboard that we make available to your company and how you and/or your company use our services
  • send you marketing and communications materials electronically or offline.


We generally collect personal data directly from you. 

  • We will ask you for it (including contact information and relationship information) when you interact with us and/or when you have been referred to us as an individual who may be interested in knowing more about the services we provide, including:
  • when our representative meets you at a trade show or other industry event or you are otherwise introduced to us or we contact you through contact information that you choose to make available publicly
  • when you complete and submit to us personal data such as your name and contact information in an online form on our website (such as ‘Request for Free Trial’ and ‘Contact Us’) or otherwise make enquiries about our services and pricing
  • when we are working with you in the course of establishing a business relationship with you and/or your company
  • when we are providing or demonstrating our services to you and/or your company, including when we provide you and/or your company with access to a dashboard and we track your usage of that dashboard to understand your behaviour and how, therefore, we can improve our services for you and/or your company and/or
  • if you visit our website, we use cookies and other technological tools to collect information about your computer or other device that you use for that purpose and your use of our website.  We treat this information as personal data when it is associated with your name and contact information and we are therefore able to identify you.  Otherwise, we do not treat the information provided to us by cookies and other technological tools as personal data.  For more information about cookies and other technologies, please refer to our Cookies Policy.


We collect and process your personal data for the following purposes and relying on the following legal bases.

Purpose Legal basis
Providing our services and handling support requests, including:

o   to fulfil your and/or your company’s requests for services and for related activities, such as service delivery, customer service, account / relationship management, support and training

o   to manage our everyday business needs and interactions with you and/or your company as our customer


Necessary for the performance of a contract or our legitimate interest to provide and administer our services
Managing customer and user accounts, including:

o   to enable you to interact with us on behalf of your company, such as by providing you with access to a dashboard maintained by us that is relevant to the business relationship we have with your company


Necessary for the performance of a contract or our legitimate interest in the management of customer and user accounts
Service improvement, including the following business improvement purposes recognized under the Singapore PDPA:

o   improving, enhancing or our services;

o   improving, enhancing or developing new methods or processes for our business operations;

o   learning about or understanding the behaviour and preferences of individuals in relation to our services; or

o   matching, personalising or customising or services to our customers.

Legitimate interest to develop services and ensure that the services are performing in line with customer expectations.

In the context of Singapore’s PDPA, we rely on the “Business Improvement” exception which allows our company to process personal data for the specified business improvement purposes.

Sending communications

o   to send you marketing communications, including offers targeted based on your interests, business characteristics and location

o   to determine if you and/or your company are eligible for certain services or offers

o   to invite you to promotional and speaking events that we think may be of interest to you

o   to provide you and/or your company with additional information that we think may be of interest to you and/or your company, such as news about us, announcements made by us


Our legitimate interest in sending the relevant communications to you, or where you have provided your prior consent
Managing business relationships and other work collaborations

o   to discuss and invite you to join ViSenze in a strategic business partnership, alliance, sponsorships and other work collaborations


Consent, necessary for the performance of a contract or our legitimate interest in managing such business relationships and work collaborations.
Managing our financial accounting and reporting Legitimate interest in meeting our obligations associated with the reporting of our finances
Managing outgoing and incoming payments Necessary for the performance of a contract
Complying with legal obligations

o   when cooperating with public and government authorities, courts or regulators in accordance with our legal obligations under applicable laws to the extent this requires the processing or disclosure of Personal Data to protect our rights

Legal obligation or our legitimate interest in protecting against misuse or abuse of our websites or services, protecting personal property or safety, pursuing remedies available to us and limiting our damages, complying with judicial proceedings, court orders or legal processes, responding to lawful requests, or for auditing purposes



Service providers

We use a variety of third-party service providers to help us provide our services to our customers.  They may be located inside or outside of the European Economic Area (EEA).  In particular, they may be located in Europe, India, Asia Pacific, and North America.  We use them to help us:

  • to perform product development, maintenance and debugging
  • to provide customer service, advertising or payments services
  • to host our IT systems

These service providers have limited access to your personal data to perform these tasks on our behalf and they are contractually bound to protect the personal data and only use it in accordance with our instructions.  We share your personal data with them only so that we are able to ensure the adequate performance of our obligations to you.

Our related companies

To enable us to provide our services, we may share your personal data with companies that are in our corporate group (because they are related by common ownership or control).

With our professional advisers

We may share your personal data with professional advisers acting as service providers, processors, or joint controllers – including lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance and accounting services, and to the extent we are legally obliged to share or have a legitimate interest in sharing your personal data.

Third parties involved in a corporate transaction

If we undertake or are involved in any fundraising through investment in us or in any merger, acquisition, reorganisation, sale of assets, bankruptcy or insolvency event, we may sell, transfer or share some or all of our assets, including your personal data in connection with such a transaction or in contemplation of such a transaction (for example, in due diligence).

In accordance with applicable laws, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you before your personal data is transferred and becomes subject to the privacy policy of the transferee.

Public authorities

We may share your personal data with public and government authorities, to the extent we are compelled to disclose it to comply with our legal obligations.


We have five data centres globally at present.  They are in Ireland, Singapore, Japan, China and the US.  We may add more data centres in the future.

Therefore, your personal data may be processed outside your country or jurisdiction, including in places that are not subject to an adequacy decision by the European Commission or your local legislature or regulator, and that may not provide for the same level of data protection. We ensure that the recipient of your personal data offers an adequate level of protection and security, for instance by entering into the appropriate back-to-back agreements and, if required, standard contractual clauses or an alternative mechanism for the transfer of data as approved by the European Commission (Art. 46 GDPR) or other applicable regulators or legislators. Where required by applicable law, we will only share, transfer or store your personal data outside of your jurisdiction with your prior consent.

Website forms; other marketing uses of personal data

If you complete an online form on our website (such as ‘Request for Free Trial’ and ‘Contact Us’ or other such marketing reasons that would require your voluntary sharing or contact information) or if we otherwise process personal data about you because we think you and/or your company may be interested in using our services we store the personal data we receive from you or otherwise collect about you on our server in Singapore and as we use the services of HubSpot, Inc., on their server in the US.

Use of a dashboard and/or our annotation system

If you choose to use a dashboard that we make available to our customers and/or business partners (such as our Enterprise Dashboard and our Sales Performance Dashboard), we store the personal data we receive from you or otherwise collect about you from such customer and/or business partner on our server in Singapore.


If there is a contract between us and you / your company:

If you and/or your company have a contract with us (for example, a contract under which we provide services to you/your company) we generally retain your personal data for as long as is necessary for the performance of that contract and to comply with our legal obligations.

If you have been nominated by your company to have access to a dashboard maintained by us that is relevant to the business relationship we have with your company, we retain your personal data only until the earlier of:

  • your company telling us that you no longer need or shall have access to that dashboard (for example, because you have left the company)
  • your company closing its account with us

If we have been in contact with you and we do not enter into a contract with you / your company:

If we have been in active contact with you but you / your company have not entered into a contract with us we generally retain your personal data for no longer than two years after such contact ceases (for your and our convenience if you contact us again during that two year period).

If we have not been in active contact with you (for example, where you have completed the ‘Request for Free Trial’ or ‘Contact Us’ form on our website, we have responded to your request and we have not heard back from you) we generally retain your personal data for no longer than six months after you submit it to us.


You can request us to erase your personal data at any time. However, in any such case we may retain some of your personal data as necessary for our legitimate business interests, including our corporate record-keeping.  We may also retain and use your personal data to the extent necessary or desirable to enable us to comply with our legal obligations.  For example, we may retain some of your personal data for tax, legal and auditing purposes.

Your right to access personal data about or relating to you

You have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not we are processing personal data concerning you.  Where we are doing so, you have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data undergoing processing from us and:

  • information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed (in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations), where possible, the envisaged period for which we will store the personal data or, if not possible, the criteria we will use to determine that period and
  • any available information as to the source from which we collected the personal data, including whether it came from publicly available sources

Your right to rectification of personal data concerning you

You have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you.

Your right to erasure – the ‘right to be forgotten’

You have the right to obtain from us the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay if:

  • the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed
  • you object to us processing the personal data on the grounds of our legitimate interests and we do not have overriding legitimate grounds for the processing
  • the personal data have been unlawfully processed or
  • the personal data have to be erased for compliance with an obligation under European Union or Member State law to which we are subject

Your right to restriction of processing

You have the right to obtain from us restriction of processing of personal data concerning you where one of the following applies:

  • you contest the accuracy of the personal data, for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of the personal data
  • the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead
  • we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims
  • you have objected to processing, pending the verification whether our legitimate grounds of processing override your legitimate interests

Your right to object to processing

You are entitled to request us not to process your personal data for certain specific purposes (including profiling) where such processing is based on our legitimate interest in processing it.  If you object to such processing we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for such processing or such processing is required in order for us to establish, exercise or defence legal claims.

Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you may at any time ask us to cease processing your personal data for such purposes.  You can do this by choosing ‘unsubscribe’ in an email we have sent to you or by contacting us.

Your right to data portability

You are entitled to request copies of personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly-used and machine-readable format and/or to request us to transmit such personal data to another service provider if it is technically feasible for us to do so.

Your right to raise issues

If you have any complaints about the way or ways in which we have or have not processed your personal data or you believe that we have not complied with your rights as a data subject, please do contact us.

However, if you believe that we have not complied with your rights as a data subject, you can lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority in the country in which you live.

Your right to know about any automated decision-making

We do not use any personal data about you for automated decision-making, including profiling.  Where we return visual matches to query images, to the extent that our visual search and recognition service includes automated decision-making it concerns the item in the query image and not any personal data about you.


You can contact us by writing to us at 67 Ayer Rajah Crescent #07-11 Singapore 139950 or by emailing dataprotection@visenze.com.

If you are our employee or a job applicant, please contact our Human Resources Department or email careers@visenze.com and we will be happy to provide you with information about how we process personal data in that context.

If you are in the UK or EU, you may contact our GDPR representative via the following channels:

In writing: 8 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5BY, United Kingdom


When you visit our website and when you and/or your company use our services, we collect certain transaction information by automated means.  We do this by using technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, browser analysis tools, server logs and web beacons.  We may also collect information about the website you were visiting before you came to our website and the website you visit after you leave our site.

Cookies are small text files that websites send to your computer or device to uniquely identify your browser or to store information or settings in your browser.  We place cookies on your computer or other device when you use it to visit our website.

Types of cookies

Technically-required cookies

These are cookies that are mandatorily required for the technical functions of our website e.g. session cookies.

For these, consent is not required and we will delete technically-required cookies when you leave the website.

Cookies that are not technically-required

We only use cookies and/or other tracking mechanisms that are not technically-required if you have given us your prior consent the first time you visit our website.

We use such cookies for marketing purposes so that we are able to communicate better with you based on your interests.

  • Statistics: by using statistical tools we measure for example the number of your page views.
  • Conversion tracking: our conversion tracking partners place a cookie on your computer if you accessed our website via an advertisement of the respective partner.
  • Social plug-ins: some of the pages of our website involve content and services of other providers (for example, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+), who may also use cookies.
  • Retargeting: these cookies create user profiles by means of advertising cookies or third-party advertising cookies or so called “web beacons” (invisible graphics that are also called pixels or tracking pixels), or by means of comparable technologies. These are used for interest-based advertising and to control the frequency with which the user looks at certain advertisements. The relevant provider is the controller responsible for the processing of data in connection with the tool. The providers of the tools might disclose information also to third parties for the purposes mentioned above. Please note the data protection notices of the relevant provider in this context.

Cookies and your Personal Data

We collect many different types of information from cookies and other tracking mechanisms.  For example, we may collect information about your device type, your operating system type, browser type, domain and other system settings, language and IP address.

In many cases, we only use this information statistically in a non-identifiable way, without any reference to personal data – in other words, in these cases we are not able to uniquely identify you from the information collected.  For example, we use information we collect about all website users to understand website traffic patterns.

Where you have contacted us through a contact form on our website and provided your name and contact details to us, we do associate the information we collect using cookies and other tools with your personal data – in other words, in these cases we do identify you.  This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect using cookies and other tools only when we associate it with personal data about or referring to you.

Managing your cookie preferences

In many cases, you can manage cookie preferences and opt-out of having cookies and other data collection technologies used by adjusting the settings on your browser. Please go to the ‘help’ section of your browser to find out about cookie preferences and other privacy settings that may be available in your browser and how to set them.

SERVICES Privacy Policy


What is ‘Personal Data’?

‘Personal Data’ means any data (in Singapore, whether true or not), about or relating to an individual who can be identified from that data (including when it is put together with other information to which we have or are likely to have access) or is otherwise an identified or identifiable individual.

Examples of Personal Data

Your name, plus information such as your phone number, physical or email address, your employer’s name and your job title, is personal data.  Your image in a photo or video may be personal data.  Your IP address may also be personal data.

Who or what is a ‘data subject’?

An individual who can be identified from personal data is called a ‘data subject’

Reference Image Data Subject

We build up a ‘reference database’ of images of products from various sources – we call images in the reference database ‘reference images’.

The sources include businesses that provide images to us to add to our reference database to use in providing our visual search and recognition services.  The sources also include business that provide us with images so that we can provide annotation and tagging services.

Some reference images may include an individual, such as a model in a clothing catalogue or an actor in a video.  If so, that individual is a ‘reference image data subject’.

Query Image Data Subject

Any individual, as an external end user, can upload an image and send it to us to request a visual match to an item in it that the individual wishes to find available for purchase if the individual has an app, website or a mobile device that is integrated with our visual search and recognition service.  The apps / websites send the image to us either directly or via our business partner that provided the app/website used by the end user.  In addition, an internal end user can upload an image and send it to us for testing our visual search and recognition services.  We call any such image a ‘query image’.

Some query images may include the image of an individual.  If so, that individual is a ‘query image data subject’.

End User

As an individual you can upload a query image and send it to us to request a visual match to an item in it and/or select a category of products that you want to search.  You can do this if you have an app or if you use a website or mobile device that a business integrates with our visual search and recognition services.  If so, we refer to you as an ‘external end user’.

If you represent a business that is our customer, you can upload a query image and send it to us to test our visual search and recognition services and/or send us images for annotation or tagging.  If so, we refer to you as an ‘internal end user’ – please refer to our Privacy Policy – General for information about personal data about or relating to you that we may process.

Where both external end users and internal end users are treated in the same way, in this Privacy Policy we simply use the term ‘end user’ of our services.


What is a reference image and reference image data subject?

We build up a ‘reference database’ of images of products from various sources – we call images in the reference database ‘reference images’.

The sources include businesses that provide images to us to add to our reference database to use in providing our visual search and recognition services.  The sources also include business that provide us with images so that we can provide annotation and tagging services.

Some reference images may include an individual, such as a model in a clothing catalogue or an actor in a video.  If so, that individual is a ‘reference image data subject’.

Why we process the personal data of reference image data subjects

If you are a reference image data subject we process your personal data


  • when we index images and convert them into digital representations so that we can search for and return visual search results to our end users
  • when a business asks us to provide annotation or tagging services and
  • when we process reference images in our prediction models and when we annotate them with information, in each case for the essential task of developing, supporting, continuously improving and optimising the ViSenze Service for the benefit of the businesses that use them.

We say ‘incidentally’ here because our services concentrate on the item in the image.  But we cannot avoid processing your personal data too – for example, for product matching we need to know where your face is in the image and we need to detect your gender so that we can return relevant visual matches to the end user.

We process personal data for these purposes on the basis that it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests and that, by doing so, we do not override the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the reference image data subject that requires protection of personal data.

Who receives the personal data of reference image data subjects?

If you are a reference image data subject your personal data:

  • will be disclosed to external end users and internal end users of our visual search and recognition services when we return visual search results to them that include your image and to internal end users of our annotation and tagging services when we provide those services to businesses and
  • may be disclosed to personnel of our annotation service providers – we have entered into strict confidentiality arrangements with them

How long we keep a reference image

If the reference image is related to product retailing we seek to keep visual matches that we return to end users relevant to their likely current purchasing preferences.  By default we keep reference images for 12 months after the relevant business closes its account with us, but businesses generally update their reference images regularly so they are up-to-date and may ask us to delete them immediately after, or a specified time (such as three months after) they close their account with us.

If the reference image is not related to product retailing, the relevant business generally requires us to delete the images after they close their account with us, but it may require us to delete reference images during the course of an ongoing relationship with them.

When we process reference images in our prediction models for the essential task of developing, supporting, continuously improving and optimising the ViSenze Service for the benefit of the businesses that use them, the reference images may become unidentifiable during such use and, in any event, we delete them when we cease using the prediction model.

Where we store reference images

We store a copy of all reference images in Singapore for the essential task of developing, supporting, continuously improving and optimising the ViSenze Service for the benefit of the businesses that use them.


What is a query image and a query image data subject?

Any individual, as an external end user, can upload an image and send it to us to request a visual match to an item in it that the individual wishes to find available for purchase if the individual has an app, website or a mobile device that is integrated with our visual search and recognition service.  The apps / websites send the image to us either directly or via our business partner that provided the app/website used by the end user.  In addition, an internal end user can upload an image and send it to us for testing our visual search and recognition services.  We call any such image a ‘query image’.

Some query images may include the image of an individual.  If so, that individual is a ‘query image data subject’.

Why we process the personal data of query image data subjects

If you are a query image data subject we process your personal data incidentally:

  • when we convert a query image into a digital representation so that we can search for visual matches to the item requested by the end user who uploaded the query image in which you are the query image data subject
  • when we analyse query images because we returned less than ideal results and
  • when we process query images in our prediction models and when we annotate them with information, in each case, for the essential task of developing, supporting, continuously improving and optimising the ViSenze Service for the benefit of the businesses that use them

We say ‘incidentally’ here because our services concentrate on the item in the image.  But we cannot avoid processing your personal data too – for example, for product matching we need to know where your face is in the image and we need to detect your gender so that we can return relevant visual matches to the end user.

We process personal data for these purposes on the basis that it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests and that, by doing so, we do not override the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the query image data subject that requires protection of personal data.

Who receives the personal data of query image data subjects

If you are a query image data subject your personal data may be disclosed to personnel of our annotation service providers – we have entered into strict confidentiality arrangements with them.

How long we keep a query image

Some businesses require us to delete query images immediately after we return visual search matches for them and others specify a period of time – such as a few weeks or months – for which we may keep them.  Otherwise, we generally retain query images for up to 30 days:

  • so that we can establish a sub-set / sample of query images that we can use as a ‘reference set’ of query images to measure our search engine’s performance and
  • so that we can respond to any feedback from the external end user (for example, about bad query results) so we can refer back to the original query image to replicate the error and to take remedial action for the essential task of developing, supporting, continuously improving and optimising the ViSenze Service for the benefit of the businesses that use them and
  • we process personal data for these purposes on the basis that it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests and that, by doing so, we do not override the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the query image data subject that requires protection of personal data.

Where we store query images and IP addresses of external end users

If you are an external end user and you are located in the European Economic Area we store the query images you send us in a data centre in a Member State of the European Union.  We keep your location information attached to such query images in the European Economic Area too.  Otherwise, we store query images in a data centre agreed with the business through which we provide our services to you.

However, we also keep a copy of your IP address (which provides location information) in our system logs.


What is an ‘End User’ ?

As an individual you can upload a query image and send it to us to request a visual match to an item in it and/or select a category of products that you want to search.  You can do this if you have an app or if you use a website or mobile device that a business integrates with our visual search and recognition services.  If so, we refer to you as an ‘external end user’.

If you represent a business that is our customer, you can upload a query image and send it to us to test our visual search and recognition services and/or send us images for annotation or tagging.  If so, we refer to you as an ‘internal end user’.

Where both external end users and internal end users are treated in the same way, in this Privacy Policy we simply use the term ‘end user’ of our services.

End Users should not enter confidential or personal information in the text search component of ViSenze Multi-Search. ViSenze does not require such information in the text search to deliver product matches. 

Being an external end user and also a query image data subject

It is possible for you, as an external end user, to choose to send us a query image that is a selfie.  If you do so, the query image contains your personal data and you are both the query image data subject and the external end user.


What personal data we collect, why and how long we keep it

  • Collecting your IP address

If you are an external end user who uploads a query image or searches product categories (for example, if you want to see red shirts or blue blouses), we collect your IP address – as a result of the way the technology works, your IP addressed is attached to the query image or product category search.

  • Using your IP address

We use the IP address for troubleshooting – where we experience technical difficulties in our visual search and recognition service, we can isolate the geographic location where they are occurring, which increases our ability to fix those technical difficulties.

  • How long we keep external end user location data

We keep external end user location information – that is, your IP address – in Singapore for up to 12 months. We do so for the purpose of debugging and optimising search results and continuously improving our visual search and recognition services.  Our systems logs contain for each external end user their IP address, their device type and their browser name.  Because we retain our systems logs for up to 12 months, we retain a copy of this information, including the IP address of the end user, for up to 12 months too.

  • Lawful basis of processing

We do not consider that IP addresses used only for troubleshooting, or any other information in our systems logs, are personal data.  However, if in fact they are personal data we process them for troubleshooting on the basis that it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests and that, by doing so, we do not override the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the external end user that requires protection of personal data.


We have five data centres globally at present.  They are in Ireland, Singapore, Japan, China and the US.  We may add more data centres in the future.  Generally, we store personal data about external end users who are located in the European Economic Area in our server in Ireland although, as set out in this Privacy Policy, we also store some personal data in our server in Singapore.  Otherwise, we store personal data in the servers requested by the businesses through which we provide our services to external end users.


We take the security of your personal data seriously.  We have appropriate security measures in place to prevent your personal data being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.  We limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business ‘need to know’.  They will process your personal data only on our instructions.  Details of these measures can be obtained by contacting us.

We have procedures in place to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify the relevant business partner and any applicable supervisory authority of an actual or suspected personal data breach where we are required by contract or law to do so.

If we transfer personal data from a country that has data protection legislation to a country that does not have an equivalent standard of data protection legislation we enter into strong contracts to provide that the personal data with protection as required by the GDPR.


Special circumstances of reference image data subjects, query image data subjects and end users

If you are a reference image data subject, a query image data subject or an external end user the purposes for which we process any personal data in a reference image, a query image or text search input for ViSenze Multi-Search, respectively, do not require us to identify you (and we do not do so).  Therefore, we are not obliged by the GDPR to maintain, acquire or process additional personal information in order to identify you for the sole purpose of enabling you to exercise any of the data subject rights described below.

However, you may be able to exercise such rights if you provide us with additional information enabling us to identify you.  We would also need information to enable us to pinpoint the reference image and/or query image in connection with which you wish to exercise your rights.

Your right to access personal data about or relating to you

Subject to special circumstance, you have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not we are processing personal data concerning you.  Where we are doing so, you have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data undergoing processing from us and:

  • information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data concerned, the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed (in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations), where possible, the envisaged period for which we will store the personal data or, if not possible, the criteria we will use to determine that period and
  • any available information as to the source from which we collected the personal data, including whether it came from publicly available sources

This information is included in this Privacy Policy and can be found categorised by ‘reference image data subject’, ‘query image data subject’ and ‘end user’.

Your right to rectification of personal data concerning you

Subject to special circumstances, you have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you.

Your right to erasure – the ‘right to be forgotten’

Subject to special circumstances, you have the right to obtain from us the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay if:

  • the personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed
  • you object to us processing the personal data on the grounds of our legitimate interests and we do not have overriding legitimate grounds for the processing
  • the personal data have been unlawfully processed or
  • the personal data have to be erased for compliance with an obligation in European Union or Member State law to which we are subject

Your right to restriction of processing

Subject to special circumstances, you have the right to obtain from us restriction of processing of personal data concerning you where one of the following applies:

  • you contest the accuracy of the personal data, for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of the personal data
  • the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead
  • we no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by you for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims
  • you have objected to processing, pending the verification whether our legitimate grounds of processing override your legitimate interests
  • you are a parent or guardian of a child whose personal data was provided to us without your consent.

Your right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you believe that we have not complied with your rights as a data subject and you live in the European Economic Area, you can lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority in the country in which you live.

Your right to know about any automated decision-making

We do not use any personal data about you for automated decision-making, including profiling.  Where we return visual matches to query images, to the extent that our visual search and recognition service includes automated decision-making it concerns the item in the query image and not any personal data about you.


Our Services are not intended for use by children under the age of 13.

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If you become aware that a child under the age of 13 has provided us with personal data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal data from children without verification of parental or guardian’s consent, we will take steps to remove that information from our servers. If you are 13 or older, but under 18, you must have permission from your parent or guardian to use our services.


You can contact us by writing to us at 67 Ayer Rajah Crescent #07-05/09 or by emailing dataprotection@visenze.com.

If you are in the UK or EU, you may contact our GDPR representative via the following channels:

In writing: 8 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5BY, United Kingdom


If you are an ‘End User’ as described in our Privacy Policy these Terms of Use form a contract between you and Visenze Pte Ltd (‘Visenze’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, etc), which you accept when you use our visual search and recognition service.  If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you may not use that service.

  1. You shall be solely responsible for all images you transmit to us when you choose to user our visual search and recognition service.
  2. We shall not be liable for the lawfulness, accuracy, integrity or quality of such images. Under no circumstances shall we or our officers, agents, employees, licensors, users, suppliers, holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliates or related companies be liable in any way for any image, including but not limited to any exposure to offensive, indecent or objectionable images, any errors or omissions in any images, or any loss or damage of any kind suffered by you as a result of the receipt, storage or processing or use of any images you send to us.
  3. In the event any loss, expense or cost is suffered or incurred by us arising from or in connection with you transmitting an image to us when you choose to use our visual search and recognition service, you indemnify us for such loss, expense or cost.
  4. You agree not to use our visual search and recognition service to:
    • upload any image that is unlawful under the laws applicable to our visual search and recognition service, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, subversive, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or contrary to public interest, public order or national harmony in all relevant jurisdictions;
    • harm minors in any way;
    • upload any image that you do not have a right to make available under any applicable law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships;
    • upload any image that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
    • upload any image that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
    • engage in unlawful activity or intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable law, statute, ordinance, regulation, rule or code, including, but not limited to, any regulations, rules, notices, instructions or directives of any regulatory body or authority, governmental agency or national or other securities exchange of any jurisdiction; and
    • contribute any illegal or unethical or abusive content, or use our visual search and recognition service for any abusive or illegal activity.We may, but are under no obligation to, review all images and remove or block access to them if we think that they fail to comply with any one or more of the above prohibitions.
  5. We shall in no way be liable for:
    • any aspects of the search results that we return to you, including but not limited to, their accuracy, the description of goods and their conformity with that description, product liability, the quality of goods, intellectual property rights, safety, support, service, content and charges;
    • the accuracy and completeness of the search results, which we do not guarantee and/or
    • any consequences of your use of our visual search and recognition service, including your decision whether or not to proceed with a purchase based on the search results, that decision being at your sole discretion

These Terms of Use, the visual search and recognition service and any dispute arising out of or in relation to the use of the visual search and recognition service, shall be governed and construed in accordance with the law of Singapore, regardless of your country of origin or where you access the visual search and recognition service and without giving effect to any conflicts of law principles that would result in the application of the laws of a jurisdiction other than Singapore.