personalization in ecommerce

Personalization in eCommerce: Customize UX Even Without Log-ins

April 29 2023

In the modern era, digital personalization in ecommerce has evolved to be the lifeblood of marketing. This is all too familiar to the regular e-shoppers among us. Need a new[…]

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Search & Recommendations

Get Ready for 2023 with what you’ve learned from 2022 Black Friday and Singles Day

December 15 2022

With the frenzy of customers, busy checkout lines, and orders pouring in, November hosts two of the most exciting sales events of the year. The shopping craze arpund black friday[…]

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AI in fashion retail

AI in Fashion Retail: Wow Your Shoppers with AI Generated Outfits

November 24 2022

Ecommerce shoppers care more and more about their online shopping experience. A better experience leads to more sales, it’s as simple as that.  For fashion retailers, curating outfits has always[…]

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Building an assortment planning strategy to maximize profits: 5 key factors

What is Assortment Planning in Retail: Create a Winning Strategy

February 22 2022

What is assortment planning? What factors go into it, and how can retailers leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize the process

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